Archive for the ‘Papers’ Category

Explaining Why Relativity Requires the Twin Paradox

Posted by Steven Bryant On May - 20 - 2011


The Twin Paradox: Why it is Required by Relativity
(Click to download)


This paper reveals that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a length-based perspective, that evaluation must explain changes in length and time, which Einstein does using Length Contraction and Time Dilation. It further explains that when wavelength-based observations are evaluated using a wavelength-based perspective, there are no changes in length and time, and the resulting mathematical equations yield quantitatively better results.

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The Failure of the Einstein-Lorentz Spherical Wave Proof

Posted by Steven Bryant On March - 23 - 2010


The Failure of the Einstein-Lorentz Spherical Wave Proof
(Click to download)


This paper reveals a subtle, yet extremely significant oversight in Einstein’s Spherical Wave Proof. Once identified and corrected, it also shows that the proof fails, which means that Einstein cannot establish the relationship between the constancy of the speed of light and the principle of relativity.

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The Significance of Distinguishing Functions from Algebraic Equations

Posted by Steven Bryant On March - 17 - 2009


The Significance of Distinguishing Functions from Algebraic Equations
(Click to download)


This paper answers the question from a syntax perspective:  “Why is the ‘t’ variable in Einstein’s Tau equation different than the ‘t’ variable in the x’=x-vt equation“?  In answering this question, the concepts of scope, namespaces, global variables, and local variables are introduced.

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A Brute-Force Mathematical Challenge to Special Relativity

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009


A Brute-Force Mathematical Challenge to Special Relativity


This paper uses real values to illustrate the problem with Einstein’s 1905 derivation of the Xi (or X-axis) transformation equation. It also discusses the root cause of the problem and why it has been an illusive problem to uncover.

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Revisiting the Michelson and Morley Experiment

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009


Revisiting the Michelson and Morley experiment to reveal an Earth orbital velocity of 30 kilometers per second


This paper reevaluates the Michelson-Morley experiment from the perspective of frequency using the superposition of waves principle. This reanalysis reveals their detection of an Earth orbital velocity of 30 km/s.

This finding supports the CICS model and questions special relativity on experimental grounds.

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Revisiting the Ives and Stillwell Atomic Clock Experiment

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009


Revisiting the Ives and Stillwell experiment: Comparing the accuracy of SRT against the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems


This paper compares the predicted results of SRT and the CICS model against the actual results of the Ives Stillwell experiment. CICS is shown to predict the results of the experiment as well as, or better than, SRT.

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Understanding and Correcting Einstein’s 1905 Time Transformation

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009


Understanding and Correcting Einstein’s 1905 Time Transformation


This paper reveals the root cause of the mistake in Einstein’s 1905 paper. It derives the time and length transformations, algebraically, revealing the problem of Einstein’s mistreatment of the time “function” as an “equation.”

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Communicating Special Relativity Theory’s Mathematical Inconsistencies

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009


Communicating Special Relativity Theory’s Mathematical Inconsistencies


This paper reveals Einstein’s mathematical mistakes in his 1905 paper, his 1912 paper, and his Relativity book.  While the material contained in this paper is accurate, I have found more effective ways of communicating my findings.  Please see Episode 17 in the Podcast section, for example.

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Reexamining Special Relativity

Posted by Steven Bryant On February - 7 - 2009

Reexamining Special Relativity: Revealing and correcting SR’s mathematical inconsistency

This is my original paper on Complete and Incomplete Coordinate Systems. It reveals the mistakes in Einstein’s papers as well as offers the corrections to the equations and postulates. It also discusses implications such as the reintroduction of the electro-magnetic ether and the prediction of a Quantum Wave Medium.

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